Executive Officer at Adelaide Hills Region Waste Management Authority
WMRR SA/NT Resource Recovery and Market Development Working Group Chair

What does International Women's Day (IWD) mean to you?

A day dedicated to celebrating the achievements of women.

What challenges (if any) did you face as a woman entering the industry? How did you address them?

Honestly, none! Entering the industry everyone was very welcoming, and I was treated fairly and equally. I was lucky enough to work with some amazing (male) mentors and I wouldn’t be where I am without them. Transitioning to a leadership role posed some challenges, requiring me to advocate for myself and demonstrate my value.  

How can we encourage future female leaders both generally and within WARR?

We already have inspiring female leaders in the industry, setting examples for the future. Continuous support and showcasing possibilities will empower new women entering the field.  

What advice would you offer a young woman considering a career in WARR? 

A career in WARR is more glamorous than you might think. It offers diverse avenues for interests and career growth. You won't regret it!

Connect with Leah.