In September, WMRR has been actively advocating on behalf of industry across a range of significant policy, operational, and regulatory challenges to meet the diverse needs of our members.


WMRR has responded to the draft rules and lodged this with the Department. In summary, whilst we are supportive of a quality framework, we do not support a contamination level less than 5% given the amount of paper-like material in bins, we propose that this not commence until 2024 and we query whether this regime remains fit for purpose given the current review on packaging design and a systems based approach needed to look at the entire supply chain including importing, design, recycled Australian contact standards, remanufacturing and export rules.  

WMRR also continues to hold concerns about the current export licensing process - it remains time consuming, with lengthy delays, and there continues to be opportunities to be avoid this process. It is not exactly creating a level playing field or recognising that Australia imports significant volumes and there has been insufficient uptake in recyclate whilst the capacity to continue to import without restriction continues.  


The proposed national e-waste scheme (including solar panels) is currently reviewing the over 100 submissions it received, and as such the next meeting is in November 2023. WMRR continues to have a number of concerns - not the least of which is there appears to be no clear home as yet for products that have embedded batteries, and this scheme appears to continue to refuse to look at including this. As we continue to deal with lithium battery fires in facilities and trucks, this is not acceptable and a solution must be found quickly. WMRR is advocating to Federal Government that at the very least vapes must be addressed in the recent announcements by Minister for Health and Ageing the Hon Mark Butler MP on tackling vapes. 

CDS is commencing on 1 November 2023 in Victoria - huge qudos to all those involved at TOMRA Cleanaway, VISY and RE-turn it and all those that have supported them to get this scheme going! No update on Tasmania status to report. DWER in WA is developing the ‘problem statement’ for tyres for consideration at EMM in November 2023 to determine next steps in addressing these items. Seamless (clothing product stewardship fund) is underway with recruitment of a CEO commenced, as well as Board of Directors commencing shortly.  

Work continues with DCCEEW on packaging scheme review, looking also at design standards. WMRR understands that cost benefit analysis of possible models is currently being prepared for consideration (possibly also by EMM in November). 

WMRR has also joined the treated timber product stewardship steering group, and attended our first meeting. 


WMRR continues to advocate that iChEMS does not go far enough given we need greater emphasis on community knowledge, labelling and registering of chemicals akin to what exists in EU with the Waste Directives framework. 
The challenge for our sector to manage PFAS is highlighted very clearly in organics, where we have some states that do not have a testing regime in place and others like Queensland that are requiring one (1) part per billion presence (which is impossible to test let alone achieve). When one considers that dental floss has 16 parts per billion, cosmetics 10,500 parts per billion and fast food packaging 7,180 parts per billion, how on earth are we expected to meet these standards? 

The WARR industry requires certainty - we cannot continue to swim in this grey - either PFAS is an issue or not and government needs to act now on what is placed on market not simply what we receive and can't see! In the absence of real action, we remain concerned there is a real risk of Australia becoming a dumping ground for products containing PFAS that cannot be supplied into other countries which have acted faster and further on PFAS. 


NSW has commenced targeted consultation on its five (5) year statutory review of the waste levy.  It is not anticipated that this process will be complete before early 2024. 


Whilst in Perth, discussions were held with DWER in relation to the release of the Infrastructure Plan (imminent), review of the resource recovery framework (ongoing), and current challenges being experienced by industry for Part 3 and 4 Applications. The Branch will be formally writing on this mast topic to the Department given the delays and impacts being experienced.


WMRR understand that we are also currently experiencing these challenges with permissioning in Victoria (documents being lost, requests changed, etc)- which we would be keen to have more information on as we are meeting with Victorian EPA. 
There is no available update on when we can expect the EFW regulations for cap allocation to be available, despite repeated requests for clarity. WMRR has however lodged a response to the Risk and Contingency Planning framework. I will not say what I think about this nonsense. 


ACCU review is currently out on public exhibition. WMRR also held a webinar on this with the Department. So much to do in this space for the sector with the link still to be made to the National Waste Action Plan and the NET Zero industry plans to be developed.